2024年12月20日 星期五

閱讀美國《晶片與科學法案》(CHIPS and Science Act) - 簡介與白宮新聞稿

最近在閱讀《晶片戰爭》一書,書中的開頭就提到了於2022年8月9日通過的《晶片與科學法案》(CHIPS and Science Act)。該法案大幅加速了全球半導體供應鏈的分化,導致外資對中國大陸晶片產業的投資幾乎完全停滯;而在美國,該法案的通過也使得半導體業者紛紛宣布設立新廠的消息激增。這可視為美國通過國內法,憑藉其龐大的市場與技術優勢,結合「長臂管轄」(Long-Arm Jurisdiction)及「微量原則」(De Minimis U.S. Content)作為護欄的經典案例。該法案的實施確實已幾乎徹底改變了全球半導體供應鏈的格局。這使得OT更想深入閱讀法案全文,而不僅僅是看媒體上的摘要及解析。

所謂的長臂管轄(Long-Arm Jurisdiction)通常指一國在其管轄範圍之外,依據其國內法對其他國家或地區的行為進行限制或施加影響的能力。對於美國而言,這通常表現為利用美國的法律和經濟優勢,對外國企業或個人進行管轄。例如,在《晶片與科學法案》中,相關規定可能要求任何使用美國技術或設備的公司需遵守美國的出口管制,即便這些公司並非位於美國境內。而「微量原則」(De Minimis Rule),具體來說是指如果某一產品包含了少量的美國原產技術或成分,當其比例超過某個最低限額(例如 10% 或 25%)時,即便該產品是在美國境外生產,仍可能受到美國出口管制法的約束。這個限額通常根據出口的最終目的地來調整,例如對於出口至受制裁國家的產品,限制可能更為嚴格。這一規定對全球供應鏈影響深遠,特別是在半導體行業,因為美國技術、軟件和設備在全球半導體製造中占據關鍵地位,即使是含有少量美國技術的產品,也可能因此被禁止出口到某些國家或地區。

美國於2022年8月9日通過了《晶片與科學法案》(CHIPS and Science Act),旨在強化美國半導體產業的競爭力,減少對外國供應鏈的依賴。該法案投入超過520億美元,用於支持美國國內的半導體研究、發展和製造。 法案的主要內容包括:

  • 財政補助:提供390億美元的直接補助和其他獎勵措施,鼓勵企業在美國建立新的晶片製造廠。
  • 稅收抵免:提供25%的投資稅收抵免,減輕企業在美國設廠的成本負擔。
  • 限制條款:獲得補助的企業在十年內不得在中國大陸或俄羅斯等國家設立高於28奈米製程的新先進半導體工廠,以防止技術外流。 





FACT SHEET: CHIPS and Science Act Will Lower Costs, Create Jobs, Strengthen Supply Chains, and Counter China

In President Biden’s first year in office, the Biden-Harris Administration has implemented an industrial strategy to revitalize domestic manufacturing, create good-paying American jobs, strengthen American supply chains, and accelerate the industries of the future. These policies have spurred an historic recovery in manufacturing, adding 642,000 manufacturing jobs since 2021. Companies are investing in America again, bringing good-paying manufacturing jobs back home. The construction of new manufacturing facilities has increased 116 percent over last year.

Today, President Biden will sign into law the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, which will build on this progress, making historic investments that will poise U.S. workers, communities, and businesses to win the race for the 21st century. It will strengthen American manufacturing, supply chains, and national security, and invest in research and development, science and technology, and the workforce of the future to keep the United States the leader in the industries of tomorrow, including nanotechnology, clean energy, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence.  The CHIPS and Science Act makes the smart investments so that Americans can compete in and win the future.

Spurred by the passage of the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, this week, companies have announced nearly $50 billion in additional investments in American semiconductor manufacturing, bringing total business investment to nearly $150 billion since President Biden took office:

  • Micron is announcing a $40 billion investment in memory chip manufacturing, critical for computers and electronic devices, which will create up to 40,000 new jobs in construction and manufacturing. This investment alone will bring the U.S. market share of memory chip production from less than 2 percent to up to 10 percent over the next decade.
  • Qualcomm and GlobalFoundries are announcing a new partnership that includes $4.2 billion to manufacture chips in an expansion of GlobalFoundries’ upstate New York facility. Qualcomm, the leading fabless semiconductor company in the world, announced plans to increase semiconductor production in the U.S. by up to 50 percent over the next five years.

The CHIPS and Science Act will boost American semiconductor research, development, and production, ensuring U.S. leadership in the technology that forms the foundation of everything from automobiles to household appliances to defense systems. America invented the semiconductor, but today produces about 10 percent of the world’s supply—and none of the most advanced chips. Instead, we rely on East Asia for 75 percent of global production. The CHIPS and Science Act will unlock hundreds of billions more in private sector semiconductor investment across the country, including production essential to national defense and critical sectors.

The law will also ensure the United States maintains and advances its scientific and technological edge. In the mid-1960s, at the peak of the race to the moon, the federal government invested 2 percent of GDP in research and development. By 2020, that number had fallen to less than 1 percent. Economic growth and prosperity over the last 40 years has clustered in a few regions on the coasts, leaving far too many communities behind. The CHIPS and Science Act will ensure the future is made in ALL of America, and unlock opportunities in science and technology for those who have been historically left out.

The Biden-Harris Administration has already taken action to ensure expedient, responsible deployment of CHIPS and Science Act funding:

  • Coordinated permitting for high-tech manufacturing. Today, the Administration is announcing the launch of a sector-specific interagency expert working group on permitting and permitting-related project delivery issues for high-tech manufacturing, consistent with the President’s Permitting Action Plan announced in May.  This interagency working group will build on the interagency CHIPS and Science Act planning to date between the Council on Environmental Quality, Environmental Protection Agency, and the Department of Commerce.  It will help to ensure collaboration and coordination across federal agencies, the private sector, and with state and local governments to facilitate timely and effective reviews of all federally-funded projects. The working group will also serve as a clearinghouse for best practices with respect to permitting and other project delivery issues to support implementation of projects funded by the bill.

  • President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) releases new recommendations on semiconductors R&D. Today, PCAST sent a letter to the President with their recommendations for implementing the CHIPS and Science Act, including: forming a national microelectronics training network for semiconductor workforce development across academic institutions, including minority-serving institutions and community colleges; fostering innovation by reducing the barriers of entry to startups; recommending the development of a “chiplet platform” to enable startups and researchers to more rapidly innovate at lower cost; and setting a national semiconductor research agenda with fundamental research and grand challenges to, for example, build the first “zettascale supercomputer” which would be 1,000 times faster than the fastest supercomputer available today. The full PCAST semiconductors report will be released this fall.

The CHIPS and Science Act will:

  • Bolster U.S. leadership in semiconductors. The CHIPS and Science Act provides $52.7 billion for American semiconductor research, development, manufacturing, and workforce development. This includes $39 billion in manufacturing incentives, including $2 billion for the legacy chips used in automobiles and defense systems, $13.2 billion in R&D and workforce development,and $500 million to provide for international information communications technology security and semiconductor supply chain activities. It also provides a 25 percent investment tax credit for capital expenses for manufacturing of semiconductors and related equipment. These incentives will secure domestic supply, create tens of thousands of good-paying, union construction jobs and thousands more high-skilled manufacturing jobs, and catalyze hundreds of billions more in private investment.

The bill requires recipients to demonstrate significant worker and community investments, including opportunities for small businesses and disadvantaged communities, ensuring semiconductor incentives support equitable economic growth and development.

These funds also come with strong guardrails, ensuring that recipients do not build certain facilities in China and other countries of concern, and preventing companies from using taxpayer funds for stock buybacks and shareholder dividends. It will also support good-paying, union construction jobs by requiring Davis-Bacon prevailing wage rates for facilities built with CHIPS funding.

  • Promote U.S. innovation in wireless supply chains. The CHIPS and Science Act includes $1.5 billion for promoting and deploying wireless technologies that use open and interoperable radio access networks. This investment will boost U.S. leadership in wireless technologies and their supply chains.
  • Advance U.S. global leadership in the technologies of the future.  U.S. leadership in new technologies—from artificial intelligence to biotechnology to computing—is critical to both our future economic competitiveness and our national security. Public investments in R&D lay the foundation for the future breakthroughs that over time yield new businesses, new jobs, and more exports.

The CHIPS and Science Act will establish a technology, innovation, and partnerships directorate at the National Science Foundation (NSF) to focus on fields like semiconductors and advanced computing, advanced communications technology, advanced energy technologies, quantum information technologies, and biotechnology. It will strengthen commercialization of research and technology, ensuring that what is invented in America is made in America. The Act will also reauthorize and expand fundamental and use-inspired research at the Department of Energy Office of Science and the National Institute of Standards and Technology to sustain U.S. leadership in the sciences and engineering as the engine for American innovation.

  • Catalyze regional economic growth and development. The CHIPS and Science Act authorizes $10 billion to invest in regional innovation and technology hubs across the country, bringing together state and local governments, institutes of higher education, labor unions, businesses, and community-based organizations to create regional partnerships to develop technology, innovation, and manufacturing sectors.

    These hubs will create jobs, spur regional economic development, and position communities throughout the country to lead in high-growth, high-wage sectors such as artificial intelligence, advanced manufacturing, and clean energy technology. It also authorizes a $1 billion RECOMPETE pilot program at the Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) to alleviate persistent economic distress and support long-term comprehensive economic development and job creation in the most distressed communities.
  • Provide STEM opportunities to more of America to participate in good-paying skilled jobs. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and workforce development activities are critical to developing skills needed for taking on the highly-skilled jobs of the emerging industries built on technologies of the future. To ensure more people from all backgrounds and all regions and communities around the country, especially people from marginalized, under-served, and under-resourced communities, can benefit from and participate in STEM education and training opportunities, the CHIPS and Science Act authorizes new and expanded investments in STEM education and training from K-12 to community college, undergraduate and graduate education.

  • Drive opportunity and equity for all of America in STEM and innovation. The legislation authorizes investments to expand the geographic and institutional diversity of research institutions and the students and researchers they serve, including new initiatives to support Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and other minority-serving institutions, and other academic institutions providing opportunities to historically-underserved students and communities, primarily through the National Science Foundation (NSF). The CHIPS and Science Act also broadens the geographic diversity of research and innovation funding to leverage the talent and ideas found all across America. The legislation also gives agencies and institutions the mission and the tools to combat sexual and gender-based harassment in the sciences, a demonstrated barrier to participation in STEM for too many Americans. Through these investments and initiatives, the bill would support learners, educators, and researchers at minority-serving and emerging research institutions and in rural communities, as well as broaden participation to include people of all backgrounds and experiences, driving the creation of a STEM ecosystem that looks like and benefits all of America.



今天,拜登總統將簽署成為法律的《2022年晶片與科學法案》(CHIPS and Science Act of 2022),這項兩黨支持的法案將在上述進展的基礎上再創新高,進行歷史性的投資,幫助美國工人、社區和企業在21世紀的競賽中勝出。該法案將加強美國的製造業、供應鏈和國家安全,並投資於研究與發展、科學與技術以及未來的勞動力,確保美國繼續在包括奈米技術、清潔能源、量子計算和人工智慧等明日產業中保持領先地位。《晶片與科學法案》通過明智的投資,確保美國人能夠在未來的競爭中脫穎而出。


  • 美光科技(Micron) 宣布將投資400億美元,用於記憶體晶片製造,這對於電腦和電子設備至關重要,預計將創造多達40,000個建設和製造領域的新工作機會。僅此一項投資,便可將美國在記憶體晶片市場的佔有率從不到2%提高到未來十年的10%。
  • 高通(Qualcomm) 和 格羅方德(GlobalFoundries) 宣布達成新的合作夥伴關係,包括42億美元投資,用於擴建格羅方德在紐約州北部的晶片製造設施。高通作為全球領先的無晶圓半導體公司,計劃在未來五年內將美國的半導體產量提升多達50%。




  • 協調高科技製造的許可審批:今天,政府宣布成立一個針對高科技製造的跨機構專家工作小組,專注於與許可及項目執行相關的問題,此舉符合總統於5月宣布的《許可行動計劃》。該跨機構工作小組將在目前由環境品質委員會、環境保護署和商務部間展開的《晶片與科學法案》規劃工作基礎上進一步推進,確保聯邦機構、私營部門以及州和地方政府之間的協作與協調,以便及時有效地審查所有聯邦資助的項目。該工作小組還將作為一個最佳實踐的資料中心,提供與許可及項目執行相關的指導,支持該法案所資助的項目實施。
  • 總統科學與技術顧問委員會(PCAST)發布半導體研發新建議:今天,PCAST向總統提交了一封信,提出實施《晶片與科學法案》的建議,包括:建立全國性微電子培訓網絡,支持半導體人才培養,涵蓋包括少數族裔服務機構和社區學院在內的學術機構;通過降低創業門檻促進創新;建議開發“晶片組平台”(chiplet platform),以使初創企業和研究人員能夠以更低的成本更快速地創新;並制定國家半導體研究議程,包括開展基礎研究及重大挑戰,例如建造第一台“Z級超級計算機”,其速度將是當今最快超級計算機的1,000倍。PCAST完整的半導體報告將於今年秋季發布。

  • 增強美國在半導體領域的領導地位。《晶片與科學法案》為美國的半導體研究、開發、製造及人才培養提供527億美元的資金支持,其中包括:390億美元用於製造激勵措施,其中20億美元專門針對汽車及國防系統使用的傳統晶片;132億美元用於研發和人才培養;5億美元用於支持國際資訊通信技術安全及半導體供應鏈活動。此外,該法案還為半導體及相關設備製造的資本支出提供25%的投資稅收抵免。這些激勵措施將確保國內供應安全,創造數萬個高薪的工會建設工作崗位,以及更多高技能的製造業工作崗位,並促進數千億美元的額外私人投資。


  •  推動美國在無線供應鏈的創新。《晶片與科學法案》包含15億美元的資金,用於推廣和部署採用開放且可互操作的無線電接入網路的無線技術。這項投資將提升美國在無線技術及其供應鏈中的領導地位。
  • 促進美國在未來技術領域的全球領導地位。美國在新技術領域的領導地位——從人工智慧到生物技術再到計算技術——對未來的經濟競爭力及國家安全至關重要。公共研發投資為未來的突破奠定基礎,隨著時間的推移,這些突破將帶來新企業、新工作和更多出口。


  • 推動區域經濟增長與發展。《晶片與科學法案》授權撥款100億美元,投資於全國各地的區域創新與技術中心,結合州與地方政府、高等教育機構、工會、企業和社區組織,創建區域夥伴關係,發展技術、創新和製造業。
  • 為更多美國人提供STEM機會以參與高薪技術型工作。科學、技術、工程和數學(STEM)教育及勞動力發展活動,對於培養承擔未來技術驅動產業中高技術工作的技能至關重要。為了確保來自全國不同背景、地區和社區的人們,特別是來自邊緣化、服務不足和資源匱乏社區的民眾,能受益於並參與STEM教育和培訓機會,《晶片與科學法案》授權在STEM教育與培訓方面進行新的和擴展的投資,涵蓋從K-12到社區大學、本科和研究生教育。
  • 推動全美STEM與創新領域的機會與公平。該法案授權投資,擴大研究機構及其所服務學生和研究人員的地理和機構多樣性,包括新的舉措以支持歷史性黑人學院與大學(HBCUs)、其他少數族裔服務機構,以及為歷史上服務不足的學生和社區提供機會的其他學術機構,主要透過國家科學基金會(NSF)實施。《晶片與科學法案》還擴大了研究與創新資金的地理多樣性,以挖掘全美各地的人才與創意。此外,該法案還賦予相關機構和機構職責及工具,應對科學領域中的性別與性騷擾問題,這是許多美國人參與STEM的一大障礙。


